Okay, let's be real, you picture your favorite author in a dark room, at a desk with an old fashioned typewriter, surrounded by bulletin boards with notes and reminders on them. At least that's how I imagine them. But in reality, that's not at all what authors are like. So, what's my normal day-in-the-life look like for me, a young author?
I'm a high school student, so schooling is very important to me. But, for a long list of reasons, that I may one day list in a blog post, I'm homeschooled. I sleep in until about noon on a good day, when one, of the three younger sisters, come to wake me. While I eat a hearty breakfast of Fruity Pebbles™ my mother does our 'morning part' of school. Our morning part of school is a brief history lesson, bible study, and current events conversation.
Once I've gotten my weekly list of assignments for the week, I return to my bedroom and flip my laptop on. I start by checking emails, messages, and social media. From there, it depends on what type of mood I'm in. I run a boutique, a photography studio, and I'm an author. So, whatever mood I'm in depends on which project I work on. If I'm in a writing mood, I'll pick whichever book needs most worked on, and I'll work on it for a few hours before it's time to run errands.
If I go run errands with my parents, then the laptop comes with me, and listen to music in the car while continuing to work on my book. I write and edit, and if my fingers aren't in the mood, then I just read. I'm not embarrassed to admit I read my own books more often than other books. If you're not your number one fan, then who will be?
I usually eat lunch while I'm out, and when I return home, I do chores, homework, feed my dog, and hang out with my sisters. After dinner is when I return to work as an author. And then I write and edit until it's time for bed.
That's it. Seriously. That's the day in the life of an author. It's really that boring. Sorry.