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Writer's picture: ANRANR

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

This interview is on the preface of the Pre-Order Release of Girl of Puzzles.


*Questions in bold

*Answers in italics

What is your most recent book? Tell us a bit about it.

My most recent would be “Girl of Puzzles” It is a romance novella that is out for pre-order. But I would consider that my most recent.

Tell us something about yourself. (Where are you from, what is your background, how long have you been writing or anything we might find interesting about you.)

I’ve lived in Ohio my entire life, bouncing around a few different areas. My grandfather and mother, the two biggest people in my life are writers, so I guess writing was an inevitable career path for me.

Up until about 2017, I hadn’t really been driven to pursue writing. I knew I was good at it, and I enjoyed it, but I had yet to have that spark of inspiration. Then it hit. And now, four published books later, here I am, with “Girl of Puzzles”

What inspired you to write this book?

I wanted to prove that you can have love without lust.

How did you celebrate when you finished writing the book? When it was published?

There wasn’t really any big celebration, considering this was my four published book, but I felt relieved. I didn’t have to stress about deadlines and such anymore, the hard part was over.

How did you know you wanted to be a writer? How did you get started?

I was sitting in my dad’s office, on my computer while he was talking to a co-worker in the lobby, and I had just got done reading a series of books that I really enjoyed. They were romantic and yet action-packed, and it was inspiring. But I felt that the story shouldn’t have ended. I wanted more, I wanted to read this book that had yet to be written yet. So I decided to write it.

Are you a pantser or a plotter? (i.e., Do you outline and plan your story or do you just sit down and write?)

Only for sequels, sagas, series, etc. But for standalones, no.

Do you have a daily or weekly writing schedule, or do you write only when you are inspired? How many words or pages do you complete in a typical day?

I write all day, every day. To me, it’s not a job or a career, it’s not even a hobby. This is a passion, I really love writing. In a single day of success, a day where there is no writer’s block, no interruptions, and I don’t have any deadlines over my head, I can finish up to eight chapters of a small book.

How many drafts did you write before publishing your most recent book?

Between my editor, my publicist, and myself, seven copies.

If you were doing it all over again, what would you do differently?

Nothing, because contentment is the key.

Do you read reviews?

Every single one of them.

*What is the best advice you could give other writers about writing or publishing?

Don’t get up. Do not give up. I know it’s hard and it seems like it’s not going to pay off, but it will.

Do you have friends who are writers? How do you help each other to become better writers?

My best friend is my grandfather and he’s a published author, so that’s usually the topic of our conversations. He edits all of my works and has guided me through the entire process, I couldn’t be more grateful.

Who is the perfect reader for your book? (Please do not say “everyone.”

It sort of depends on the book, I suppose. I think I write a little bit of everything, I like to explore genres and sprinkle in some variety. But for the most part, I would say a love-hungry college girl who dreams of prince charming.

Where can readers learn more about you and your book?

At my website or on any of my social media.



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