Has eight beautiful chapters​
A unique author's note​
Explanatory charts and dictionaries in the back to help out the reader​
Has eight beautiful chapters​
A unique author's note​
Explanatory charts and dictionaries in the back to help out the reader​

Sneak Peak
Just different colors, neither you and I are better than the other.
Different genders? Well that's fine,
you stay in your lane, I'll stay in mine.
LGBT+ is not for me,
it might be for you, I'll just let you be.
I don't judge and I don't hate,
if you'd return the favour, then that'd be great.
I'm a victim of society and you're just the same.
We call ourselves equal and yet still play their game.
To love ourselves we love one another,
If love is love, then love your brother...
Just another number,
on the chart, ain't even got each other.
Different races? Well that's just fine,
I'll meet your pace if you meet mine.
Step if my shoes, I'll step in yours,
we'll walk a mile, take each other's tours.
And when we're done we'll switch back again,
because we're just equals tryna live.
I'm a victim of morals and you're just the same.
We call ourselves FREE and yet remain chained.
To love ourselves we love one another,
If love is love, then love each other...