Has eight beautiful chapters​
A unique author's note​
Explanatory charts and dictionaries in the back to help out the reader​
Has eight beautiful chapters​
A unique author's note​
Explanatory charts and dictionaries in the back to help out the reader​

Sneak Peak
There are a million broken hearts of mine,
and still, I want to waste my time,
falling into your brown eyes,
I guess you're a fool's paradise.
There are a million ticks and tocks of time,
and I guess you're the king of rhymes,
rhyming all about my eyes,
I guess I'm a fool's paradise.
Oh, with a million broken clocks of love,
we still work to make it enough.
Let's see how far we go,
before we start to lose our glow.
There are a million broken hearts of mine,
and still, you are the king of my time,
tick, tock, waste my time,
falling into your fool's paradise.